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Cybersecurity Awareness Month

How to stay safe(r) online

* Four easy ways to boost your online security
* How to recognize a dangerous link - before you click it!
* What are the requirements for a secure password in 2‍0‍2‍4‍?
Dear Reader,
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! In other words, the perfect opportunity for all of us to get informed and get active in protecting ourselves in the digital world. Luckily, you do not have to be a tech expert to safeguard your data and have a more secure online experience. There are four easy steps you can take today to protect yourself, your family, and your business from cyberthreats. And mail‌.‌com is here to show you how!

Best regards,
Your mail‌.‌com Team

How to check a phishing link

Identifying scams safely
Phishing scams are getting even harder to spot. If you have had the bad luck to receive a phishing link lately, you know what we mean! Luckily there are still some tricks you can use to spot them.

What is a strong password?

Password best practices in 2‍0‍2‍4‍
When it comes to passwords, it can seem like the bar is constantly being raised. Has this left you wondering if your passwords are secure? Learn how standards have changed – and what is considered "safe" in 2‍0‍2‍4‍.
Coming soon: Password check in your email
Maybe you are not sure if your mail‌.‌com password meets the latest recommendations for strong passwords. Never fear: our password check feature will soon be available in your account settings. This feature will give you a green light if you enter a secure password – and a warning if the password is weak or frequently used.

Learn how to create, manage and reset
your ‍strong email password.

Secure email
Secure email

Follow our
security best practices
to keep your email account safe!


Give your account an extra layer of protection with ‍two-factor authentication.

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